Tuesday 22 November 2011

It Aint What You Do, It’s The Way That You Do It!

Now basically, we all have a concept of how to shed weight, don’t we?

Why do we find it so hard? Every single diet plan on the industry, no matter how great it is won't work without one essential ingredient, Perseverance!

However that isn't something we can purchase from the store, that I'm afraid to say, is one thing that individuals ought to give ourselves, and without it,as mentioned in Fit Yummy Mummy Review, just about every diet that you attempt will fail.

There are a few good diet plans around and one diet plan that suits one individual won't strictly match another. So you could find that you and your closest friend are planning to start a diet plan together, your friend may be going great guns and shedding pound after pound, but you, are not. It’s depressing; however it’s an undeniable fact of life that we are all created differently.

For me personally I don’t recommend diets as such. As soon as you limit your calories, the body will believe that there is a food shortage, and it'll go into starvation mode. Once in hunger mode, it will slow down your metabolic rate to conserve calorie consumption.

The thing is your body happen to be programmed from way back that when there is no supply of food, we had to look for our food so our meals were not consistent. The metabolic rate regulates the usage of our calories to ensure that in times of food scarcity; we would not waste away and go without food.

Currently in this point in time, there is always food to hand; yet our bodies are unaware of this. When you miss a meal your body goes on starvation alert and slow that metabolic process all the way down, which means the next time you eat, your body is going to hang on to those calories and keep as much of them as it can as fat.

So, what’s the remedy? There has been tons of research and in my point of view the way forward is this: To maintain your metabolic rate ticking over at a regular pace, you must eat regular meals, regular small meals every 2.5 - three hours, try to include protein in these meals (meat, if possible lean meat i.e. chicken, turkey, tuna) since protein doesn’t shoot your blood glucose levels right up and plummet it back down as sugary foods would. Maintain your daily calories to a standard level, (have a look at your recommended consumption online somewhere).

The next part is something that you're not particularly going to desire, but, it’s the only way forward, you must Exercise!!

You will need cardio exercise 3-4 times a week for around 40 minutes at a time, and very important, you have to do weight lifting, as the more muscle tissue you have, the more fat you burn off. Ladies don’t panic, I am not saying that you must look like Arnie, however you'll need muscle tone, not to mention the more you have, the more fats you will burn, even while you fall asleep!

All The Best !

More details about Fit Yummy Mummy Review here.

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